3.3.8. Technical operations on the transmission removed from the carAdjustment of an axial gap of a persistent disk of a brake (Brake reaction plate end play)
Fig. 3.60. Scheme of adjustment of an axial gap of a persistent disk of a brake
Replace press a disk (pressure plate) of a brake of the first transfer and backing transfer by the special adaptation and then establish a disk with slips (brake disk), a disk without slips (brake plate) and a lock ring, as is shown in drawing 3.60. Establish a persistent disk and removed earlier original lock ring. Moving the special adaptation, measure an axial gap and then if the axial gap does not correspond to nominal rate, adjust it, having replaced an original lock ring new the corresponding thickness.
Nominal rate: 0,0–0,16 mm
(Look help table 3.16).
Adjustment of an axial gap of a brake of the second transfer (Second brake end play)
Fig. 3.61. Scheme of adjustment of an axial gap of a brake of the second transfer
Replace press a disk (pressure plate) of a brake of the second transfer with the special adaptation and then establish a disk with slips (brake disk), a disk without slips (brake plate), as is shown in drawing 3.61. Establish a returnable spring (return spring), the piston of a brake of the second transfer (second brake piston) and a lock ring.
Nominal rate: 0,79–1,25 mm.
If the axial gap does not correspond to nominal rate, adjust it, having picked up new press a disk which thickness corresponds to the specified range of values.
Fig. 3.62. Axial gap of a brake of the second transfer
Thickness of a new press disk = (the measured gap "And") + (thickness of the special adaptation) – (nominal rate of an axial gap) (fig. 3.62).
Look help table 3.16.
Adjustment of an axial gap of a brake of the first transfer and backing transfer
Fig. 3.63. Measurement of an axial gap of a brake of the first transfer
Overturn a transmission a back part up and establish the indicator of hour type (fig. 3.63).
Moving the special adaptation up and down, measure an axial gap.
Nominal rate: 1,35–1,81 mm.
If the axial gap does not correspond to nominal rate, adjust it, having picked up new press a disk which thickness corresponds to the specified range of values.
Fig. 3.64. Axial gap of a brake of the first transfer
Thickness of a new press disk = (the measured gap "And") + (thickness of the special adaptation) – (nominal rate of an axial gap) (fig. 3.64).
Look help table 3.15.
Fig. 3.65. Identification of persistent bearings
Adjustment of an axial gap of a solar gear wheel of a lowering planetary row (underdrive sun gear end play)
Fig. 3.66. Measurement of an axial gap of a solar gear wheel of a lowering planetary row
Establish removed earlier original holder of the persistent bearing No. 8, then establish a back cover of a case of a check point. Measure an axial gap of a solar gear wheel of a lowering planetary row (fig. 3.66).
If the axial gap does not correspond to nominal rate, adjust it, having picked up for the provided table a new holder of the persistent bearing #8 the corresponding thickness.
Nominal rate: 0,25–0,45 mm.
For simplification of measurements of an axial gap of a solar gear wheel of a lowering planetary row establish a nave of the coupling of lowering transfer.
Adjustment of a preliminary tightness of the case of differential (Differential case preload)
Put a piece of soft solder (length about 10 mm and diameter about 3 mm) on a hydrotransformer case.
Establish a hydrotransformer case on a check point case without hermetic use. Tighten bolts of fastening the nominal moment. Weaken bolts of fastening and take solder (fig. 3.67).
Fig. 3.68. Measurement of thickness of the deformed piece of solder
By means of a micrometer measure thickness of "T" of the deformed piece of solder. For creation of a nominal preliminary tightness pick up a pro-rate which thickness corresponds to the specified range of values (fig. 3.68).
Nominal rate: 0,045–0,105 mm.
Thickness of a pro-rate = (thickness of solder "T") + (nominal rate of a preliminary tightness)