Hyundai Matrix service from 2002 to 2006 of release
1. Operation and car maintenance
1.1. Car description
1.2. Keys and locks of doors
1.3. Governing bodies and instrumentations
1.4. Audiosystem
1.5. Heating and air conditioning
1.6. Salon equipment
1.7. Driving and car service
1.7.1. Before engine start
1.7.2. Engine start
1.7.3. Management of a mechanical transmission
1.7.4. Management of an automatic transmission
1.7.5. Anti-blocking system of brakes
1.7.6. Protivobuksovochny system (TCS) (the additional equipment)
1.7.7. Trailer or car towage
1.7.8. Actions at a road accident (malfunction)
1.7.9. Spare wheel
1.7.10. Towage of the faulty car
1.7.11. Check of a technical condition of the car
1.7.12. Care of the conditioner
1.7.13. Check люфта steering wheel
1.7.14. Check of a free wheeling of a pedal of coupling
1.7.15. Check of a free wheeling of a pedal of a brake
1.7.16. Check of height of a pedal of a brake over a floor
1.7.17. Check of driving belts
1.7.18. Check and replacement of fuses
1.7.19. Check of the storage battery
1.7.20. Check of electrofans of system of cooling
1.7.21. Check of level of liquid in a tank of a hydraulic actuator of the amplifier of a steering
1.7.22. Replacement of lamps of system of illumination of the car
1.7.23. Blocks of safety locks
1.7.24. System of decrease in toxicity
1.8. Tables
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Electric equipment schemes


1.7.4. Management of an automatic transmission

Fig. 1.135. Modes of switching of an avtomachesky transmission

The highly effective automatic transmission has four transfers for advance and one transfer of a backing. In a night-time at turning on of the selector indexes on the panel automatically light up.

During movement of the car it is impossible to transfer the selector lever to the situation "R" or "R".

For optimum economy of fuel increase speed gradually. The selector will be automatically passed to the second, third speed and to the Overdrive mode by ("overgear").

Purpose of positions of the selector
"R" – "Parking".
Use this situation for car keeping on a place during parking or engine start. At a parking of the car turn on the parking brake and transfer the selector to the situation "R" ("Parking").

Do not move the selector to the situation "R" ("Parking") while the car will not be completely stopped. The neglect this rule can lead to failure of an automatic transmission.

«R» – "Backing".
Use this situation for movement by a backing. Transfer the selector lever to the situation "R" ("Backing") only after a full stop of the car.
«N» – «Neutral situation».
In this position of the selector the automatic transmission is disconnected. In this situation it is possible to start the engine, however it is not recommended except cases when the engine decayed during movement.
«D» – "Movement".
This mode is used for movement, one of four transfers automatically joins. Never switch the selector in situation "2" or "L" if speed of the car exceeds 95 km/h.
«2» – «The second transfer».
Use this mode when driving on the slippery road, at movement uphill or for braking by the engine at descent from the mountain. The mode "2" automatically joins between the first and second transfers. It does not mean that there will be an increase to the third transfer. Nevertheless, the third transfer can join at excess by the car of a certain speed in order to avoid excess of the most admissible turns of the engine. At return to normal conditions of driving in a manual mode transfer the selector to situation "D".
«L» – «The first transfer».
This mode is used at a steep slope or when braking by the engine on abrupt descent. When switching on transfer the "L" transmission will keep any time the second transfer while speed of the car will not decrease enough for inclusion of low transfer. Do not exceed speed in 50 miles/h on low transfer to "L".

For ensuring smooth and safe work before translating the selector from the situation "R" ("Parking") or «N» («Neutral situation») in the provision of transfer of a backing, completely squeeze out a brake pedal.
To move the selector from the situation "R" ("Parking") to any other situation, the pedal of a brake should be squeezed completely out.
To translate the selector from the provisions "R" ("Backing") «, N» («Neutral situation») «, D» ("Movement", the main transfer), «2» («The second transfer») «,» («The first transfer») in the situation "R" ("Parking") it is possible for L always. Thus the car should be completely stopped not to damage a transmission.

Do not press an accelerator pedal when the transmission is in a mode of transfer of a backing or one of transfers for advance at the pressed pedal of a brake.
Always press a brake pedal when translating selector from the provisions "R" or "N" in the provisions "R", "D", "2" or "L".
Do not use the provision "R" ("Parking") instead of the parking brake. Even when for a while leave the car, always turn on the parking brake, transfer the selector to the situation "R" ("Parking") and switch off ignition. Never leave the car without supervision when the engine works.
Regularly check liquid level in an automatic transmission and add liquid if necessary.

Receptions of the correct driving
Do not transfer the selector from the situation "N" or "R" to any other situation at the pressed pedal of an accelerator.
During movement of the car it is impossible to transfer the selector lever to the situation "R".
Before transferring the selector to the situation "R", be convinced that the car is completely stopped.
Do not slide under a bias on neutral transfer. It is very dangerous. Always hold transfer included in time of movement of the car.
Avoid style of driving with frequent dispersals and braking and do not hold the left foot on a brake pedal constantly during driving. It conducts to an overheat of brakes and loss of efficiency of their work. On long descents it is necessary to apply braking by the engine to prevention of an overheat of brakes (including low gears).
At low gear inclusion slightly brake the car. Otherwise the low gear can not join.
Always use the parking brake. Do not rely on transfer of the selector to the situation "R" for prevention of movement of the car.
Be especially careful at movement on the slippery road. Be especially accurate during braking, acceleration and gear shifting. On the slippery road sharp change of speed can lead to loss of coupling of wheels of the car with the road and control loss over the car.
For the most economic fuel consumption and smooth driving of the car include the Overdrive mode ("Overgear"). If there is a braking by the engine in a range of "D" or at smooth lifting repeating switching with the 3rd on the 4th transfer and back is required, it is recommended to disconnect the Overdrive mode. In all other cases the Overdrive mode should be included.

Overdrive mode switch ("Overgear")

Fig. 1.136. Overdrive mode switch

At Overdrive mode inclusion ("Overgear") the box automatically increases transfers to the second, the third and «Overdrive». If the mode is disconnected, the box will not increase transfer to «Overdrive». In normal conditions the selector should be in a position "D", and the Overdrive mode is included. If it is necessary to speed up quickly, completely squeeze out a gas pedal. The box will automatically lower transfer depending on speed and engine loading.

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1.7.3. Management of a mechanical transmission
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1.7.5. Anti-blocking system of brakes