1.7.18. Check and replacement of fusesReplacement of a fusible insert
In case of an overload of an electric chain the fusible insert fuses, thereby preventing damages of all plait of wires. (It can be caused by short circuit or a current of too big force). For simplification of their check fusible inserts are located in the relay block.
At replacement of a fusible insert use only a new fusible insert with the same or lower value of rated current. Do not use a wire or a fusible insert with higher value of rated current. It can lead to serious damage and cause a fire.
Replacement of fusible inserts of chains of auxiliaries
The block of the safety locks protecting chains of lighting and other electric equipment, is located under the dashboard opposite to a seat of the driver (fig. 1.179).
In the block there is a table of protected chains.
If any of lamps of the car or electric equipment ceased to work, the fused safety lock can be the reason of it. If fused a safety lock, the metal strip in it breaks. To replace a fusible predokhraniyetel, open the block of safety locks and check integrity of each safety lock. Take out each safety lock, having pulled it on itself (for simplification of this operation in the block of safety locks there is a special stripper) (fig. 1.180).
Replace fused safety lock on new with the same value of rated current. The safety lock should be densely inserted.
If the spare safety lock is not present, it is possible to establish temporarily a safety lock with the same value of rated current, having taken out it from an equipment chain without which it is possible to manage temporarily (for example, the safety lock protecting chains of a radio receiver or the lighter). Do not forget to insert back the removed safety lock.
Fig. 1.181. An example of the normal and fused safety locks
The fused safety lock indicates malfunction in an electric chain. If the safety lock established recently through short time again fuses, it is necessary to address to experts for identification of a cause of defect and its elimination. Never establish the fuse with value of rated current more established by technical requirements, and also any substitutes of safety locks. It can lead to an overheat of electroconducting and cause a fire.