Hyundai Matrix service from 2002 to 2006 of release
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
2.1. Maintenance
2.1.1. Check of level of engine oil
2.1.2. Replacement of engine oil
2.1.3. Choice of the oil filter
2.1.4. Replacement of the oil filter
2.1.5. Check of tightness of system of cooling
2.1.6. Check of valves of a cover of a radiator
2.1.7. Check of concentration of antifreeze
2.1.8. Compression check
2.1.9. Adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of GRM
2.1.10. Drive of hinged units
2.1.11. Natyazhitel of a belt of a drive of hinged units
2.1.12. Adjustment of a belt of a drive of hinged units
2.1.13. Adjustment of a belt of a drive of the generator
2.2. Mechanical part (engine of 1,6 l)
2.3. Mechanical part (engine of 1.8 l)
2.4. Cooling system
2.5. Greasing system
2.6. Power supply system
2.7. Control system, fuel system and system of decrease in toxicity
2.8. Tables
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Electric equipment schemes

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2.1.3. Choice of the oil filter

All Hyundai engines are equipped with the high-quality disposable oil filter. The filter of this type is recommended as replaced for all cars. However, quality of replaced filters can be various. It is necessary to establish only high-quality filters to guarantee the most effective purification of oil. Before installation of the new oil filter be convinced that the remains of laying of the old filter are removed from a surface of the block of the cylinders, adjacent to the filter.

Fig. 2.3. Oil filter

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2.1.2. Replacement of engine oil
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2.1.4. Replacement of the oil filter