7.3.2. Removal and starter installationDisconnect a wire from the negative (–) plugs of the storage battery.
Remove a cable of a drive of a speedometer and a gear shifting cable.
Disconnect the socket of a plait of wires of a starter and a wire of a conclusion of a starter.
Remove a starter assembled.
Installation is made as it should be, the return to removal.
Fig. 7.55. Starter components: 1–forward arm; 2–forward plug; 3–cover; 4–screw; 5–traction relay; 6–anchor of the traction relay; 7–spring; 8–adjusting laying; 9–lever; 10-holder; 11-spring; 12-laying; 13-washer; 14-lock ring; 15-restrictive ring; 16-obgonny coupling; 17-starter anchor; 18-washer; 19-a pole with a stator winding assembled; 20-shchetkoderzhatel assembled; 21-back cover; 22-back plug; 23-screw; 24-bolt