7.3.1. General informationThe system of start-up of the engine consists of the storage battery, a starter, the traction relay, the lock of ignition, the switch of blocking of a starter (only models with AKPP), connecting conducting and wires of the storage battery.
At turn of a key of the lock of ignition in the situation "START" ("Start-up") through involving winding of the traction relay of a starter passes a current. The anchor of the traction relay moves the drive lever (fork) which, in turn, enters a leading gear wheel (executed together with the obgonny coupling) into gearing with a gear wreath of a flywheel (or the AKPP hydrotransformer). At the same time moving of an anchor of the traction relay closes contacts, and the starter starts to scroll a cranked shaft of the engine.
For prevention of damage of the starter caused by high frequency of rotation of an anchor of a starter after start of the engine, the obgonny coupling of a starter deduces a leading gear wheel from gearing.