Hyundai Matrix service from 2002 to 2006 of release
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
7.1. Power supply system
7.2. Charging system
7.2.1. General information
7.2.2. Check of a power-supply circuit of a genrator
7.2.3. Check of falling of target tension of the generator
7.2.4. Check of a current of return of the generator
7.2.5. Check of adjustable tension (check of a regulator of tension)
7.2.6. Removal and generator installation
7.2.7. Dismantling, check and generator assembly
7.2.8. Storage battery
7.3. Sitema of start
7.4. Anticreeping system
7.5. Tables
8. Body
9. Electric equipment schemes


7.2.5. Check of adjustable tension (check of a regulator of tension)

This check defines, whether correctly the regulator of tension of the generator operates target tension of the generator.

Preparation for check
Check that the storage battery established on the car is completely charged.
Check a tension of a belt of a drive of the generator.
Turn a key of the lock of ignition in the situation "OFF".
Disconnect a wire from the negative (–) plugs of the storage battery.
Connect the digital voltmeter between a conclusion of "S (L)" of the generator and "weight".
At first connect (+) a voltmeter wire to a conclusion of "S (L)" of the generator, then (–) a wire to suitable "weight" (to a body) or to negative (–) the plug of the storage battery.
Disconnect a regular wire from a conclusion "In" the generator.

Fig. 7.12. Scheme of check of adjustable tension

Connect the ampermeter (a direct current, with a range 0–100 And) it is consecutive between a conclusion "In" the generator and the disconnected regular wire. Connect (–) an ampermeter wire to the disconnected regular wire (fig. 7.12).
Connect a control tachometer according to the instruction of the manufacturer. Connect a wire to the negative (–) the plug of the storage battery.

Check procedure
Include ignition and be convinced that the voltmeter shows the specified value of tension (tension of the storage battery).
If the voltmeter shows 0 in, or there was a chain break between a conclusion of "S (L)" of the generator and positive (+) the plug of the storage battery, or the fusible insert fused.
Switch off all lighting and additional electric equipment. Start the engine.
Establish frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine, equal 2500 mines-1. Consider voltmeter indications when the current of return of the generator makes 10 And or less.

Analysis of results
If indications of the voltmeter correspond to the nominal rates of adjustable tension specified in the table, the regulator of tension is serviceable. If indications of the voltmeter do not correspond to a range of nominal rates, is faulty either a tension regulator, or the generator.
After completion of check gradually lower turns of a cranked shaft of the engine to idling turns, then switch off ignition.
Disconnect a wire from the negative (–) plugs of the storage battery.
Disconnect the ampermeter, the voltmeter and a control tachometer.
Connect a regular wire to a conclusion "In" the generator.
Connect a wire to the negative (–) the plug of the storage battery.

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7.2.4. Check of a current of return of the generator
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7.2.6. Removal and generator installation